Friday 1 September 2017

Final day and festival!

My final day was started by continuing the beetroot repairing we started yesterday, which was tough work in the burning sun.

The fruits of my efforts - barely visible

After that, we went back to the house for me to finish off the last bit of packing and then we went to grandma's house to have lunch which was special today as there was a festival at the local shrine! After that, me and Kiyo collected Sota from the school bus and we made our way to the shrine, deep in the forest.

At the festival, a 'God' threw mochi at us and we had to catch it while some refined looking older people in suits had, what looked like, a sophisticated meal.

Everyone trying to catch the rice cakes.

After that fun, I said goodbye and luckily was allowed on the Shinkansen without having activated my JR pass as there was only 3 minutes to spare. So I arrived at Tokyo, activated my pass (with the help of a kind station attendant) and took another Shinkansen then a local line to Nikko, where I currently am. Tomorrow will be jammed-pack of Shrine-looking! Goodnight!


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