Friday 1 September 2017

Beetroot repair team

This morning's tv song can be viewed here, it plays everyday for the summer season.

On my last full day at the farm, I extracted seeds from cucumbers, washed and dried them so they can be replanted for next year.

We then worked the rest of the morning in the beetroot field, cutting away weeds and pulling out overly crowded holes. Lunch break!

Nice view from one of the beetroot fields

Then back to beetroot repairing and finally, back home. Then, I did my final washing (taking advantage of the facilities while I can) and when it had finished, we took the washing to the coin laundry to dry and went around the corner from the house to let the kids play with their friends on their fake bikes (they don't have pedals). After collecting the washing we went back home and had a final dinner together and then sleep!

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