Monday 28 August 2017

Organic Bird Manure

Today started with packing cucumbers (not washing), making boxes and writing various information on them (origin and weight). After that, me and Kiyo went check out some fields to see how they would be for putting manure on and then filled six bags worth of it and went to put it on one the fields. I was relieved to hear that it was organic bird manure, free from any impurities.

After manuring one field we did the beetroot field too and then came back and pruned the tomato plants in the greenhouse. After lunch, me and Yuki went and planted more beetroots in the freshly manured field, tough work but almost finished the whole field (about half a row left). Coming back, after a shower we had dinner and now I'm attempting to get in touch with my sister as it's her birthday! Goodnight!


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