Monday 28 August 2017

BBQ fun and games

Today started with helping Sawami out with the children which is quite challenging with toddlers as they seem to have the attention span of a mosquito. Then Kiyo returned and left at about 10:30 for a barbeque! It was about an hour and a half drive to Maebashi and there we met all the farmer friends of Kiyo and Sawami.

top notch food and company
some toasting marshmallows dangerously close to some meat

We all ate and drank a lot, I tried Amazake for the first (a sweet drink made from fermented rice) and met a lot of interesting people. I also witnessed suikawari for the first time too, it's kind of like a piñata, as the children took it in turns to be blindfolded and spun around with a big stick to hit the target, except it's a watermelon on the floor.


I also tried some homemade sour plum alcohol and sweet plum juice, everything was delicious. I maintain that drinking with older Japanese people is one of the best things you can do here, 9/10. On the way home, we stopped at a convenience shop and I woke up (I was sleeping) to find Souta's face and arms covered in blood to my right (but he was still sleeping). Luckily, it was just a nosebleed and I managed to internalised my initial shock and get Kiyo to help. After another nosebleed after that, we finally came home and said goodnight.


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