Saturday 19 August 2017

Touch down!

My flight from London to Hong Kong was fairly uneventful, although I did get my meals before everyone else (the upside to being vegetarian), however, the quality of the food wasn't incredible (the downside to being vegetarian and possibly being overly optimistic about aeroplane food in general).

I only had about an hour or so in Hong Kong as the flight was slightly late going out, however, did manage to appreciate the size of the airport as well as enjoy some local signage and art.

Finally, I arrived at Haneda airport at about 22:00 and had to wait in the fairly long queue for immigration and customs and then I was free to catch the last train to Shinagawa, change to the JR Yamanote line and proceed to Komagome, subsequently realise that I had no wifi and therefore couldn't look up exactly where my hostel was. Luckily as soon as I arrived at the station I was offered help by a passerby to carry my suitcase down the stairs, whilst looking at the station map of the surrounding area for a while a kind drunk man gave me directions to the nearest police box where I could find help and on my way there another, less drunk, man looked up the address on his phone and walked me to the hostel which was luckily a three minutes walk away in a straight line. I jumped into my pod and enjoyed a well-earned rest.


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